Risus Dental Clinic

What foods to avoid while using Braces?

People often choose braces for orthodontic treatment because it is an easy and clear way to fix teeth. To get the most out of it, though, you should watch what you eat. There are some things that can make braces less successful or even break the braces. At Risus Dental, we stress how important it is to know what to eat and what not to eat while you have braces on. It is important that you choose healthy foods during your treatment, and this guide will help you do that.

1. Chewy or sticky foods

Why Avoid Them?

When you have braces on, you shouldn’t eat sticky or chewy foods like caramel, gummy sweets, and taffy. These things might stick to your braces, making them hard to clean and giving germs a place to grow. These foods are sticky, so they can also move the braces around, which can make the process take longer.

Risks may accompany braces

It’s hard to clean braces properly, which can lead to bad oral health.

Porcelain bits stuck in teeth make cavities and tooth decay more likely.

Tossing the braces around could hurt them.

Possible Alternatives

Bananas and yoghurt are soft foods that won’t hurt your teeth or braces.

2. Hard, crunchy food

Why Avoid Them?

Hard foods, like nuts, popcorn, and candies that are hard to break, can really hurt your braces. Some of these things can damage or break the aligners, which can make your treatment take longer and cost more to fix.

Risks may accompany Braces

Cracked or broken braces that make your treatment take longer.

Having trouble with being straight if you don’t repair the broken braces right away.

If you break your braces, it could hurt your gums or teeth and hurt you.

Possible Alternatives

If you want to eat something without hurting your braces, choose soft foods like soups, cheese, or soft bread.

3. Sugary foods and drinks

Why Avoid Them?

Some meals and drinks, like soda, candy, and desserts, are worse for you when you have braces. The sugar can easily get stuck between your teeth and braces, which is a great place for germs to grow. This can make your teeth rot, get cavities, and give you bad smell.

Risks may accompany Braces

Tooth decay is more likely because sugar can build up under the braces.

Drinks that are high in sugar could stain your teeth and braces.

Bowel problems happen when bugs grow on sugars that get stuck.

Possible Alternatives

To keep your teeth and braces clean and fresh, drink water, herbal teas, and drinks without sugar.

4. Acidic, staining foods

Why Avoid Them?

Lemons, limes, vinegar, wine, and coffee are all acidic foods and drinks that can stain your teeth and braces. The acid can also wear away at your enamel, which makes cavities more likely.

Risks may accompany Braces

Getting marks on your braces makes them stand out more and give you less privacy.

Weak enamel makes teeth more sensitive and raises the risk of cavities.

Taste changes and bad breath because of acidic buildup in your mouth.

Possible Alternatives

Avoid acidic and stain-prone foods to keep your teeth and braces in good shape. Nourish yourself with bland foods like apples, water, or white meats.


For the treatment to work, you must eat a healthy diet while wearing braces. You can protect your braces and teeth and make sure the process goes smoothly by staying away from foods that are sticky, hard, sweet, or acidic. We want you to get the best results from your braces treatment here at Risus Dental. If you follow these food rules, you will be one step closer to having a perfect smile.

If you need more help or have questions about how to take care of your braces, please contact us at Risus Dental. We’ll be here for you every step of the way as you work towards a better, healthier smile.


How should I clean my Braces the best?

Use a soft toothbrush and warm water to clean your braces every day to keep them clean.

What should I drink while I have Braces on?

Water is the best choice. Stay away from drinks that are acidic, sugary, or colouring while you have braces on.

Can I chew gum on top of my Braces?

No, chewing gum can hurt your braces and make it harder for you to get better.

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