Risus Dental Clinic

Side Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular and safe way to replace missing teeth because they work 98% of the time. There are some good things about how they look and how they work, but it’s important to know about the bad things that could happen. This article discusses some of the most typical issues that come up after getting tooth implants. Reading it is important for people who want to get them.

1. An infection

There are a lot of people who get infections after getting false teeth. People can get infections if they don’t clean the surgical area well enough before the procedure or if germs get there during or after the process. If the device site is red, swollen, hurts, or leaks fluid, it could be an infection. As a way to lower the risk of getting an illness, dentists often given antibiotics before and after treatment. To avoid getting infections, it’s also very important to keep your teeth clean and do what the doctor tells you to do after surgery.

If you don’t treat an illness, it can spread to other parts of your body and get worse. People should call their doctor right away if they see any signs of an infection. Getting help right away can help keep the implant and the teeth nearby safe.

2. Bone, gum, and blood vessel damage

During the process, people who get tooth implants may hurt their gums, bones, or blood vessels. Incorrect placement of the implant or damage to the bone by the tools used in surgery can lead to this. When these things happen, they can hurt, swell up, and take a long time to heal. Most of the time, they can make the implant fail.

People should see a doctor right away if their implant feels loose or if they are in pain all the time. Exams and X-rays can help doctors figure out how bad the injury is and what to do next. To avoid injuries as much as possible during implant surgery, it is important to plan and do the procedure properly.

3. Nerve Damage

Nerve damage can happen after getting dental implants, which is very bad. It might happen if the tool is too close to a nerve and presses on or hurts it. In the lips, gums, chin, or other parts of the mouth, nerve damage can make you feel cold, tingly, or like your skin is on fire.

Dentists use X-rays or CT scans to get a good look at the jaw’s structure and find the important nerves so they don’t hurt them. Anyone who feels something isn’t right should tell their doctor right away. Getting help early can help lessen the effects of nerve damage.

4. Sinus Issues

Putting dental implants in the upper lip that go into the sinus region can make the sinuses hurt. If the bone in the upper jaw isn’t tall enough to hold the implant, this is more likely to happen. Problems with the nose can cause headaches, pressure in the sinuses, and illnesses that last for a long time.

Before putting implants in the upper jaw, dentists have to check the client’s glands and bone mass. It may be necessary to have a sinus lift surgery to add bone to the area and make room for the implant. To keep the sinuses from getting irritated, placing implants properly needs a lot of planning and skill.

5. Implant Breakage

If you don’t take good care of an implant, it could break. The person could get this if they hurt their mouth, grind their teeth, or bite down on hard things. It might be necessary to take out and put in a new implant if the old one breaks.

People who have implants should not chew on hard things like ice or hard candies to keep them from breaking. Oral guards are also good for people who grind their teeth at night. The implant will show early signs of wear and tear, so you should get it checked out by the doctor regularly right away.

6. Implant Health Issues

Some people may not be able to get dental implants to work as well. Things like diabetes and osteoporosis can weaken bones and make it harder for them to heal, which could mean that an implant doesn’t work. People with these health issues should talk to their dentist about getting dental implants and give the doctor all of their medical history.

You need to have healthy bones and a strong immune system for implant fusion to work. If a patient already has health problems, the dentist may offer extra care or treatments to improve their chances of a good outcome. This could mean doing things like bone grafting to make bones denser or keeping a close eye on the blood sugar levels of diabetic people.


It’s important to know about the problems and side effects that can happen with dental implants, even though they are a great way to repair missing teeth. Patients should think about getting an infection, hurting nearby tissues, hurting nerves, having nose problems, breaking an implant, and the effects of health problems they already have. People can take good care of their teeth and enjoy the long-term benefits of dental implants if they are aware of these risks and work closely with a skilled dentist from Risus Dental. Follow up with your Risus Dental doctor and do what they tell you to do after surgery to make sure your tooth implants work and last a long time.

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